Friday 18 April 2014

Stuff in my hands?

So iv been playing with the idea of a personal blog for a while. The reason I never got around to starting one is because what would make my blog any different to anybody else's? What would make my blog different? What would make mine unique? So I put it off for quite some time. 

When I realised I have this strange love for taking photos of things in my hands I decided that would be the theme for my blog. (Stupid? I don't care) I'm not sure if anybody will be interested in it but I'm going to try it. 

"You take photos of you holding things?" Yes, Honestly I don't know why I do it, but everytime I get something new, I take a photo of me holding it. And I as I lay here in the bath 'Stuff in my hands' was born. 

So throughout this blog I will be taking photos of me holding things and then either discussing them, reviewing them or just rambling. 

I like films, music and food. So those will be the main topics I discuss on 'Stuff in my hands' so if you don't like any of those (if you don't, what the fuck is wrong with you?) then you might need to leave this page. Because you won't find much of any interest to you. 


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