Thursday 24 April 2014

My hands though

So annoyed I didn't get before and after pictures of my hands. Iv always suffered really dry hands and nothing has helped them, I recently purchased some 'beeswax hand cream' and within 2 days my hand look and feel 95% better. I'm so impressed. 

Wednesday 23 April 2014


Blogging is really difficult when you're trying to watch Season 2 of Prison Break. Seriously, I watched the first season in a few days and I'm 7 episodes into season 2 and I only started watching it today. Great show! 

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Monday 21 April 2014

Oh Thailand

So I have been thinking of going to Thailand for a few weeks, iv priced it up and been really interested in the idea of going. However I wasn't sure if it was the right place to go. A couple of days ago I started pricing up other holidays, and then I found this on the floor. Is this a sign? Or is this a sign? !!!

To cruise or not to cruise?

I honestly love to travel. My dream would be to travel the world. I would love to step foot in every ocean. I have always enjoyed going different places and other than New York have always said I'll never visit the same place twice. Iv recently been thinking of a cruise but not completely sold on the idea. Anybody got any suggestions? Are cruises worth the money?

Hey Sewerby.

Sewerby Hall and Gardens. That's where I went today.

I paid £4 to enter and it's definitely worth the £4. 

So the first thing I did when I got in was leave. What? Yep I left straight out the back entrance and head towards the sea front. Mainly because it's a pretty cool view. 

As I was enjoying the view, I heard some noise. Which meant the joist was about to start. A fucking joist! 

It looked like this. 

Other stuff to do? 

The flower gardens. These probably look great in summer. It was a whole lot of green though today. Although one section was bloomed.

But it all looked very pretty.

You can also get yourself an ice cream. 

The best part of it all really though was probably the zoo. Zoo being generous, as the only real 'zoo' animal is 8 penguins. However it is pretty cool. I'm pretty sure I saw 2 penguins fucking though. 

I'd say it's worth visiting for the £4 though. 

Prison Break

So I just returned home after a day out (that post is coming) and I'm sat straight back down to watch the last few episodes of Prison break. I wrote about this earlier in the week, and I must say this show is brilliant. Anybody else a fan?

Also, eggs are definitely included in tonight's viewing. 

Sunday 20 April 2014

I'm fat now

So I got a visit from the mother, who handed me over another chocolate egg.

I also drove out to the nearest KFC as it doesn't seem legal to cook on Easter Sunday. I mean, it's just not humane really is it? 

I have a new love for KFC. I haven't had it in quite some time, I don't remember being left with the best memory's but the boneless box that we just wolfed down was great. And get this, the woman who served me at the drive through had amazing customer service skills. A first for a fast food joint. Thanks KFC. I'll be back. 

It's still Easter

Honestly the best part about today is just eating everything I can get my hands on and not feeling the slightest bit guilty.

Iv now moved onto these as my drink of choice 

Frijj. Cookie Dough. 

I'm not usually a fan of these bottled milkshakes but this one impressed me. It's difficult to open it and not finish the full thing in a few minutes. 

Another thing I'm wondering is why some stores are open today? We all have our chocolate. Stop your profit greed and just close up for 1 day. 

Happy Easter yolks! (Hilarious right?) 

Chocolate day

I know Easter has a meaning but I'm just renaming today chocolate day. And that's all I am going to eat.

How to spend Easter Sunday?

So because everything is closed on Easter Sunday, you have some time to spare right?

Well my time is being spent on this. 

Prison Break

Iv never seen this before and I'm now 3 episodes in and I'm hooked. Don't be put off by the pilot which struggles to hold your attention as the following episodes are great. The ending of each episode so far has also been a cliff hanger which is a pain in the ass as I HAVE to watch the next episode.

Definitely worth checking out.

It's Easter y'all

Happy Easter.

Enjoy your chocolate. If you don't want it, send it over to me. I can sort that problem out for you. 

Saturday 19 April 2014

I gots some boots

So since I was made a person I have always liked dressing down. I love dressing casual. I even missed my high school prom because I didn't want to dress up for it. (That and I didn't have any friends)
Recently however I have wanted to dress a little smarter, I still don't want to be a suit wanker. But I don't want to still be wearing converse daily. Sometimes you just got to have a bit more style. 

Step in new boots! 

I'm pretty obsessed with them. They just look cool as shit to be honest. I don't feel as poor when I wear these. 

Even the ducks love my new boots (when they actually notice them) 

Shop Boots on -

Saturdays are busy

Everyone seems to go crazy on a Saturday. If you have ever been shopping on a Saturday you will know that the town centre is filled with crazy people running about in crazy ways, each one trying to find the best top to wear for their trashy Saturday night out.

Then you have me. Who just sits at home all days and chills the fuck out. 

And this is today's Saturday DVD choice. 

I first watched 'Breaking Bad season 1'  2 years ago. 

I loved it and wanted to watch the rest but never got around to buying the rest. Well iv decided it's time to catch up and watch the rest of the show. But before that, I need to re cap on season 1. 

Enjoy your crazy Saturday. 

Good morning Saturday

So it's Saturday. You probably know that.

I have some serious plans for my Saturday today and they look like this. I will be spending the morning with this box of brilliance. 

Choctastic pop tarts!!!

Ever since being a small young child, pop tarts have felt like a special treat. Like, you can't eat Pop Tarts every morning or then you're just a fat twat. However, every now and then you have to treat yourself and Easter weekend is the perfect time to treat yourself to some pop tarts. 

Get yourself to Asda now and buy yourself some pop tarts. Good morning Saturday. I love you. 

Friday 18 April 2014

Stuff in my hands?

So iv been playing with the idea of a personal blog for a while. The reason I never got around to starting one is because what would make my blog any different to anybody else's? What would make my blog different? What would make mine unique? So I put it off for quite some time. 

When I realised I have this strange love for taking photos of things in my hands I decided that would be the theme for my blog. (Stupid? I don't care) I'm not sure if anybody will be interested in it but I'm going to try it. 

"You take photos of you holding things?" Yes, Honestly I don't know why I do it, but everytime I get something new, I take a photo of me holding it. And I as I lay here in the bath 'Stuff in my hands' was born. 

So throughout this blog I will be taking photos of me holding things and then either discussing them, reviewing them or just rambling. 

I like films, music and food. So those will be the main topics I discuss on 'Stuff in my hands' so if you don't like any of those (if you don't, what the fuck is wrong with you?) then you might need to leave this page. Because you won't find much of any interest to you. 
