Thursday 24 April 2014

My hands though

So annoyed I didn't get before and after pictures of my hands. Iv always suffered really dry hands and nothing has helped them, I recently purchased some 'beeswax hand cream' and within 2 days my hand look and feel 95% better. I'm so impressed. 

Wednesday 23 April 2014


Blogging is really difficult when you're trying to watch Season 2 of Prison Break. Seriously, I watched the first season in a few days and I'm 7 episodes into season 2 and I only started watching it today. Great show! 

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Monday 21 April 2014

Oh Thailand

So I have been thinking of going to Thailand for a few weeks, iv priced it up and been really interested in the idea of going. However I wasn't sure if it was the right place to go. A couple of days ago I started pricing up other holidays, and then I found this on the floor. Is this a sign? Or is this a sign? !!!

To cruise or not to cruise?

I honestly love to travel. My dream would be to travel the world. I would love to step foot in every ocean. I have always enjoyed going different places and other than New York have always said I'll never visit the same place twice. Iv recently been thinking of a cruise but not completely sold on the idea. Anybody got any suggestions? Are cruises worth the money?

Hey Sewerby.

Sewerby Hall and Gardens. That's where I went today.

I paid £4 to enter and it's definitely worth the £4. 

So the first thing I did when I got in was leave. What? Yep I left straight out the back entrance and head towards the sea front. Mainly because it's a pretty cool view. 

As I was enjoying the view, I heard some noise. Which meant the joist was about to start. A fucking joist! 

It looked like this. 

Other stuff to do? 

The flower gardens. These probably look great in summer. It was a whole lot of green though today. Although one section was bloomed.

But it all looked very pretty.

You can also get yourself an ice cream. 

The best part of it all really though was probably the zoo. Zoo being generous, as the only real 'zoo' animal is 8 penguins. However it is pretty cool. I'm pretty sure I saw 2 penguins fucking though. 

I'd say it's worth visiting for the £4 though. 

Prison Break

So I just returned home after a day out (that post is coming) and I'm sat straight back down to watch the last few episodes of Prison break. I wrote about this earlier in the week, and I must say this show is brilliant. Anybody else a fan?

Also, eggs are definitely included in tonight's viewing.